From Nebraska back to Kansas!

After a wonderful time in Nebraska I had to return to Kansas to attend a women’s retreat where I was going to share about the ministry work in Cyprus and my involvement. Because I had been travelling all morning though, by the time I reached the retreat’s location I already felt exhausted. I had some time to freshen up before my presentation and so that helped me regain my strength. It was amazing though to watch God just take control of the situation and give me the strength that I needed and just the right words to say. He knew the women’s hearts and I felt like He was guiding my along every step of the way.

Sharing about God and what He has done in my life just fills me up with passion and excitement and so no matter how tired I may have felt before that  once I started sharing about Him my whole mood changed and felt reenergized! Almost like a renewing of the spirit.

I really enjoyed getting to know the women and they were eager to know more about Cyprus and what God is doing there so that was a real encouragement to me. I also appreciated hearing their stories and how God has been a part of their lives. Some sharing about their grandchildren being missionaries in Japan or others how they went to Cyprus when they were younger and even taught at the school I ended up going.

Also one of the women who attended the retreat was the wife of one of my old principals when I was in Junior High. Mr. McFarland passed away a few years ago but it was really nice sharing stories and memories from Cyprus with his sweet wife. It’s wonderful seeing all the different connections and how life is just a lot of puzzle pieces spread around but as time goes by they connect one by one.

After the retreat I went back to Kathy & Ron Stegall’s house where they were so generous to host me for a second time and then later on that night they had a few people over where I was able to share more about the vision in Cyprus.

The next day I attended the RP church in Lawrence and then at night I also had the opportunity to share at the church with some more people. Once I went back to the Stegall’s house I repacked my things and headed for the bus stop first thing in the morning to go to Iowa.

As you can see it was quite a busy schedule, but I certainly enjoyed it and loved meeting so many new people and talking about God. So far I am really enjoying my time in the U.S. and I honestly feel like God is constantly with me not allowing me to worry about things.

Thanks for your prayers once again.

God bless you,


Kansas! (Clay Center & Lawrence)

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